Spy Living is a blog written by Chris and others. If you have questions please email spylivingtv {at}@gmail{dot}com.
This page is to disclose that I do try and make money off this website. You can assume that posts on this site contain affiliate partner links. That means if you click on the link, I may receive a commission if you do. It should not result in you paying more and in some cases, you could pay less due to coupons or links to special promotion.
I may or may not mention a connection to a product, service or business. It is best to assume that there is a relationship there, and I may be getting paid. I do appreciate your support since this income helps pay for the costs associated with this website.
Links are normally for products I use, have tried or recommended. I might have links to products to use as an example. If you purchase a product based on a link on my blog, you are responsible for any issues you may have with the product of the vendor.
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The advertisements that appear on my blogs are generated by a third party ad network and are paid advertisements. I have no control over what ads are displayed on your computer.
On occasion, I may be compensated for providing my opinion on products, services, and resources. The compensation I receive should not prevent me from providing an unbiased opinion but you should assume there is a conflict.
Realize the views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own or the author of the post. Any products claims, statistics, quotes or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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