Why are Workout Forums so Depressing?

Why are Workout Forums so Depressing?

So its January as I write this and everyone and their brother is joining a workout program, including myself. About two years ago, while doing some research for another project, I came upon a workout program that was targeted to the non workout crowd. Now I don’t want...
Should you really join a gym?

Should you really join a gym?

Great, you have decided to make yourself better. You realize you want to look better, feel better and avoid popping pills to keep your blood pressure down. You realized that working out should be part of your life. You are ready to kick start things, head down to your...
The miracle that is fish oil and why I take it

The miracle that is fish oil and why I take it

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, naturopath, or dietician. While this has worked very well for me I recommend checking with your doctor. Raise your hand if your parents gave you Flintstone vitamins when you were a kid. Yes, my parents bought these for us. As I got...
The Ultimate Guide to a Home Gym

The Ultimate Guide to a Home Gym

I went to the gym this morning and discovered, I miss working out at home. Now this surprises everyone because at home you are limited in space and limited in equipment. But, I have gotten better results working out at home than I have at the gym. And to put it in...