Ultimate Guide to a Bachelors Kitchen

Ultimate Guide to a Bachelors Kitchen

If you are just getting out of college, recently divorced or getting your first apartment or house, you are gonna need to stock your kitchen. Most guys I have seen, go over to walmart and buy a bunch of the cheapest stuff they can find. But many bachelors forget what...
Noom Weightloss App – Should Men Use It?

Noom Weightloss App – Should Men Use It?

Since the beginning of the year I have been on a weightless tear. As of the writing of this post, I am down over 30 pounds and my lab work is phenomenal. Literally every one of my labs was normal or as close to normal from the changes I made so far. I have no one to...
What Can Fortune 500 Companies Teach You About Life

What Can Fortune 500 Companies Teach You About Life

I have been lucky to work for several Fortune 500 companies in my life. Many of them were what I call Strategy driven companies, others were engineering driven companies. What is the difference? These are terms I have made up. Engineering companies succeed by the...
Best Buy Lost Me As A Customer… Again

Best Buy Lost Me As A Customer… Again

In it’s hay day, Best Buy was arguably one of the better places to purchase electronics. The staff was nicer and less pushy than stores like Circuit City but as they became saturated, and started chasing that all mighty quarterly earnings, they started practices that...
Why are Workout Forums so Depressing?

Why are Workout Forums so Depressing?

So its January as I write this and everyone and their brother is joining a workout program, including myself. About two years ago, while doing some research for another project, I came upon a workout program that was targeted to the non workout crowd. Now I don’t want...
Little Luxuries – You Should Get a New Shower Head

Little Luxuries – You Should Get a New Shower Head

Little luxuries in life can make large differences in our well being, happiness and even productivity. They make the work we do worthwhile and sustainable unless you happen to be one of those extremely focused individuals. Unfortunately that is not me so I enjoy my...